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New Habits, Experiences, and Memories

Studying abroad is more than just traveling hence the "study" in study abroad. It's easy to get caught up in purchasing your destination for the weekend and all of the excursions to go along with it.

When I first got here, I found it difficult to concentrate on doing schoolwork because I was too excited about my upcoming weekend adventures. Now that everything is going by so fast I realized how much work I have to do in so little time.

I found that taking one whole day just to focus on one thing and nothing else is more than helpful. It allowed me to get head start on my papers for my midterm.

The key is to get everything done ahead of time.

As much as school can be a pain, I also find it enjoyable and enlightening. I learn so many new things everyday.

Between traveling and taking courses in another country is just mind blowing.

Being able to wake up one morning and go to class in England, touring the Scottish highlands the next, and eating seafood on the beach in Portugal another. Experiences, adventures, memories are all so endless.

Moral of the story... Studying abroad honestly helps with learning new habits such as not procrastinating and sooooo much more.

Riptide - Vance Joy
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