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Culture Shock?

Thats right... Culture Shock.. Today is my first day at my new school, in my very first flat. By the way, a flat is also known as a dorm room or accomadation. Well, classes start in two days and I just arrived in London today. So yes.. I'm JET LAGGED.

Months Before I left, people kept telling me that when you study abroad, you go through multiple phases. The first phase being the first week you arrive. You are filled with excitment and so busy settling in that you forget home for a little while. The Second phase, during the second week, you start realizing that things are a little different (including the FOOD) and you miss home but don't want to admit it. The third phase, you realize you arn't going home because where you are is your new home for the next five months. MIND BLOWING.

SO.. I guess we will see about these different phases...

So far, I have been busy meeting new people, unpacking, and attending multiple seminars to help me get the hang of how things work. Today has been crazy to say the least. I have only been here for five hours and it has already snowed. I wished for snow before I left home... and I got it alright. It felt like a blizzard. I can thank South Carolina for sheltering me from the cold weathers of the world for the past seven years...

I have to be honest, I complained for almost two hours about how cold it was. Maybe thats because I arrived in capris and a light weight jacket... I definitely learned a lesson here.. That is to check the weather in places I am traveling to..

Aside from freezing, myself and my two new friends from Quebec Canada named Joany and Stephanie, were offered help by three current students at the University to carry luggage to our rooms. People here are SOO KIND.

Its been a few hours and I have already experienced so much. The adventures have only just begun.


Riptide - Vance Joy
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